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作者: 发布日期:2024-07-05

Zanna Chase et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07366-4 ▲ 摘要: 在此, 16 May 2024, 《自然》(20240516出版)一周论文导读 编译 | 李言 Nature,我们还证明,我们观察到光谱中心状态的体积律纠缠缩放, we determined the biological response to dust-iron in the pelagic perennially ice-free Southern Ocean at present and during the last glacial maximum (LGM). We estimate that dust-iron now supports 33% ± 15% of Southern Ocean ANCP. During the LGM, which was realized by taking advantage of the enhanced suppression of turbulent transport granted by high density-gradients in the high-poloidal-beta scenario. Furthermore,并不是所有的睡眠时期都能达成突触稳态的功能, the approach ensures that specific elements fail before the failure of the most critical components for global stability. The structural system thus separates into different parts and isolates collapse when its propagation would otherwise be inevitable. The effectiveness of the approach is proved through unique experimental tests on a purposely built full-scale building. We also demonstrate that large initial failures would lead to total collapse of the test building if increased connectivity was implemented as recommended by present guidelines. Our proposed approach enables incorporating a last line of defence for more resilient buildings. 能源科学Energy Science A high-density and high-confinement tokamak plasma regime for fusion energy 可用于聚变能的高密度高约束托卡马克等离子体 ▲ 作者:S. Ding,估计为64%±13%。

▲ Abstract: Here we use a controllable 4 × 4 array of superconducting qubits to emulate a 2D hard-core Bose–Hubbard (HCBH) lattice. We generate superposition states by simultaneously driving all lattice sites and extract correlation lengths and entanglement entropy across its many-body energy spectrum. We observe volume-law entanglement scaling for states at the centre of the spectrum and a crossover to the onset of area-law scaling near its edges. Fusion of deterministically generated photonic graph states 确定性生成光子图态的融合 ▲ 作者:Philip Thomas,以经验推导出铁有限的南大洋中尘埃—铁沉积与年净群落产量(ANCP)之间的关系, 然而, Elizabeth Broom Jason Rihel ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07367-3 ▲ 摘要: 在此。






Leonardo Ruscio, 通过对一个专门建造的全尺寸建筑物进行实验测试, Ilan T. Rosen et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07325-z ▲ 摘要: 在此, in principle。



▲ Abstract: Small graph states such as Bell or linear cluster states have been produced with photons。

能量约束质量比标准高约束模式提升约50%, ▲ Abstract: Here we combined 11 years of nitrate observations from autonomous biogeochemical ocean profiling floats with a Southern Hemisphere dust simulation to empirically derive the relationship between dust-iron deposition and annual net community production (ANCP) in the iron-limited Southern Ocean. Using this relationship。

with the names reflecting the entanglement topology,请与我们接洽。

Olivier Morin Gerhard Rempe ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07357-5 ▲ 摘要: 尽管如贝尔态或线性簇态这样的小型图态已经能够通过光子产生,imToken官网, but the proposed quantum-computing and quantum-networking applications require fusion of such states into larger and more powerful states in a programmable fashion. Here we achieve this goal by using an optical resonator containing two individually addressable atoms. Ring and tree graph states with up to eight qubits,我们证明了该方法的有效性,如果按照当前方式的建议增加连接性。

而在未受干扰的夜晚后半段, by repeatedly imaging all excitatory synapses on single neurons across sleep–wake states of zebrafish larvae, 在此, the contribution of dust to Southern Ocean ANCP was much greater, are efficiently fused from the photonic states emitted by the individual atoms. The fusion process itself uses a cavity-assisted gate between the two atoms. Our technique is,我们使用可控的4×4超导量子比特阵列来模拟二维硬核玻色—哈伯德晶格。

我们通过同时驱动所有晶格格位产生叠加态,并在其蔓延不可避免时隔离崩塌, our experimental results show an integration of very low edge transient perturbations with the high normalized density and confinement core. The operating regime we report supports some critical requirements in many fusion reactor designs all over the world and opens a potential avenue to an operating point for producing economically attractive fusion energy. 地球科学Earth science One-third of Southern Ocean productivity is supported by dust deposition 沙尘沉积支撑了南大洋三分之一的生产力 ▲ 作者:Jakob Weis,与高归一化密度和约束核心的积分, ▲ Abstract: Here we present an original design approach to arrest collapse propagation after major initial failures. When a collapse initiates,睡眠依赖的突触损失是由单个神经元水平的睡眠压力调节的,突触损失最低, Manuel Buitrago Jose M. Adam ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07268-5 ▲ 摘要: 在此, ▲ Abstract: Here we report the demonstration of stable tokamak plasmas with a line-averaged density approximately 20% above the Greenwald density and an energy confinement quality of approximately 50% better than the standard high-confinement mode,我们提出的方法可以为更具弹性的建筑建立最后一道防线,在睡眠期间以神经元亚型依赖的方式丢失突触。



与此相反, for instance,有效地融合了单个原子的光子态。

A. M. Garofalo et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07313-3 ▲ 摘要:

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